Don’t Wait…Lets Try to Look for Signs


The expedition of change may begin with disappointment and even destruction but it is important to actually have some role models or a direction of where you want to go in your journey. Start to look for tactics that will bring you to another level or phase of your growth in your particular area of change.

We all make choices that bring about change everyday but we must be intentional with our plans to rise every time we get. Tomorrow is never promised to be easy or promised to exist. We have to look around us and take notes on what and where we want to be in life. The sooner we develop a plan that works and is feasible from where we are it makes our agenda on change amazing to re-launch. Sometimes our elections of making it to another level is often done already by someone we know or that exist, this is a good thing. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel but we can learn from others around us. Now it’s important that we choose wisely who and where we get our counsel from or our coaching. People sometimes-mean well but are not consistent or honest in there sharing of positive change. Wisdom, evidence and gut will give you some early pointers in who is deemed a person of integrity to learn from. Look for passion or love as a compass to the change that your experiencing or planning on making with those individuals.

You are here to do a particular piece of work for this world. That work may express itself in your job, your personal life, or your community work or even your church. Consider this your already here which means your history is one worth listening too. As your history is being written make sure you unveil the greatest story using what you’ve learn and what has inspired you. Your change will one day bring about transformation for others. So be faithful in your C.H.A.N.G.E.4.U Today.

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